Get Excited! Medicine X in 7 Weeks!

 In Program Development

We’re so excited to see so many new faces joining us for Medicine X at Stanford in about 7 weeks!

This week we want to remind you to make your travel arrangements if you haven’t already done so. We have arranged for some great discounts at local hotels near Stanford and recommend that you arrive on Sept 27, 2012 so you don’t miss out on any of the action. Discounted hotel rates end August 31, 2012.

Make sure to watch our latest Medicine X film. This week we profile one of our core theme speakers: the former Chief Health Strategist at Google, now Co-founder and CEO of Impatient Science, Roni Zeiger, MD.

I can’t wait to welcome you to Stanford Medicine X September 28-30, 2012!

Larry Chu, MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesia, Stanford University School of Medicine
Organizing Chairman, Stanford Medicine X

Conference Calendar at a Glance

Travel Information

Travel Information

We are so excited to be hosting attendees from over 19 countries across six continents! Stanford Medicine X is a truly international conference!

Book your room early: Last year our conference hotel sold out and some attendees had trouble finding housing. We recommend you book our discounted rates at the Palo Alto Sheraton or Westin hotels or access our block of discounted rooms at the luxury Rosewood Sandhill resort as soon as possible. Discounted rates end August 31, 2012!

Booking airfare: We strongly recommend arriving on Thursday Sept 27, 2012. The Medicine X conference begins early on Friday Sept 28, 2012 and ends the afternoon of Sunday Sept 30, 2012. We recommend departing on October 1, 2012 for guests unable to get flights home after 7PM on Sept 30, 2012. This will allow you to get the most out of your Stanford Medicine X experience.

Video of the Week

On Technology and Participatory Medicine

Medicine X films is a project that aims to shine a light on the thought leaders and innovators in emerging technology and medicine. Our fifth film profiles former Chief Health Strategist at Google and now Co-Founder and CEO of Impatient Science, Roni Zeiger, MD.

Meet Bodymedia at Medicine X

Medicine X is excited to invite Christine Robins, CEO of Bodymedia as a panelist on a special panel discussion on Friday Sept 28 2012: Devices and applications for self-tracking. What is the current state of technology? What are the opportunities for innovation.

Bodymedia is also part of Medicine X’s device education session, which is a special lunchtime event on Friday Sept 28, 2012 where you’ll have a chance to get a hands-on experience with Bodymedia’s newest self-tracking technologies. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn more about Bodymedia!

YouMeIBD – C3N’s Interactive Online Matchmaker


The combination of practical experiences in the C3N project and preliminary research at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence suggests that the online connectedness among patients of IBD should be improved. While surveys among IBD patients show that 87% of patients prefer Facebook to connect to other patients, the network density and communication frequency in these groups is remarkable low and unsatisfactory for patients. Equally, exemplary studies on helminthic therapy methods underline the weak diffusion of innovations among Facebook groups on IBD. YouMeIBD is a step toward an open-source participatory health care system, wherein patients, physicians, clinicians, and researchers collect data and contribute to the collective intelligence for improved chronic illness care. Our goal is to work towards improving the lives of these stakeholders by enabling them to connect through an online social space that matches individuals in the network based on shared questions, friends, answers and interests.

In his Medicine X session presentation, Gloor will discuss the team’s overall approach, design, the site’s architecture, multimedia elements and interactive features, and how these are used to engage, support and educate youth.

Download our e-Patient iBook!

Medicine X is please to announce its first eBook entitled, Our e-Patients. The book will share the stories of the 35 Stanford Medicine X | Alliance Health e-patient scholars attending the conference September 28-30, 2012.

The book includes contributing text from Larry Chu, MD, Nick Dawson, Regina Holliday, Julia James and Amy Tenderich and features the artwork of Regina Holliday. A selection of Stanford Medicine X Films is also included in this enhanced eBook.


About Stanford Medicine X

Medicine X is a catalyst for new ideas about the future of medicine and health care. The Medicine X initiative is designed to explore the potential of social media and information technology to advance the practice of medicine, improve health, and empower patients to be active participants in their own care. The “X” is meant to evoke a move beyond numbers and trends—it represents the infinite possibilities for current and future information technologies to improve health.

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  • michael seres

    Brilliant video Larry. Am sitting in hospital recovering from more surgery but so excited that in 7 weeks I will be part of such an awesome conference. The video just helps to ramp up the feeling of “can’t wait to get going”. Take care Michael

    • Larry Chu
      Larry Chu

      Can’t wait to meet you Michael! Talk soon!

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