Please use the following links to view additional materials intended to aid you in preparing for the Medicine X conference, including presentation length and other presentation logistics.

Speaking at Stanford Medicine X

There are a few things you should know as you prepare for your presentation at Stanford Medicine X.

  • We seek original, impactful talks that are hand-crafted for our Medicine X audience;
  • We would like your talk to be original, something that people haven’t heard elsewhere;

Some pretty amazing talks from last year’s conference.

Planning your talk. Tips from TED and others.

We greatly admire the quality, well-rehearsed and impactful talks often presented by TED. Therefore, we would love to share with you some tips from the TED organization itself, to help you tailor your presentation.

These 10 tips are given to all TED Conference speakers as they prepare their TEDTalks. They will help you craft a talk that will have a profound impact on your audience.

  1. Dream big. Strive to create the best talk you have ever given. Reveal something never seen before. Do something the audience will remember forever. Share an idea that could change the world.
  2. Show us the real you. Share your passions, your dreams … and also your fears. Be vulnerable. Speak of failure as well as success.
  3. Make the complex plain. Don’t try to dazzle intellectually. Don’t speak in abstractions. Explain! Give examples. Tell stories. Be specific.
  4. Connect with people’s emotions. Make us laugh! Make us cry!
  5. Don’t flaunt your ego. Don’t boast. It’s the surest way to switch everyone off.
  6. No selling from the stage! Unless we have specifically asked you to, do not talk about your company. And don’t even think about pitching your products or services or asking for funding from stage. Please no calls to action to “visit our offices” or “website”.
  7. Feel free to comment on other speakers’ talks, to praise or to criticize. Controversy energizes! Enthusiastic endorsement is powerful!
  8. Don’t read your talk. Notes are fine. But if the choice is between reading or rambling, then read!
  9. End your talk on time. Doing otherwise is to steal time from the people that follow you. We won’t allow it.
  10. Rehearse your talk in front of a trusted friend … for timing, for clarity, for impact.

Here are a few additional websites that you may find useful in preparing your Stanford Medicine X talk:

Medicine X Speaker FAQs

Who attends Medicine X? Our audience last year came from over 28 countries and six continents and included patients, researchers, technologists and health care providers.

  • People from leading business, educational and government institutions will be in attendance.
  • Students, executives, patients, scientists and engineers will be in attendance.
  • Attendees included individuals from the American Medical Association, Google, Karolinska Institute, Mayo Clinic, New England Journal of Medicine, National Library of Medicine and many others.

What is the reach of my presentation? Social media coverage of our conference at Stanford created over 10,000,000 impressions and reached over 1,200,000 people. We also seek to create an enduring archive of high quality video coverage of our speakers that will be archived and available by open access through our Stanford social media channels.

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