Annamarie Saarinen
Annamarie Saarinen
About Me
Annamarie is a Humphrey Policy Fellow and co-founder of the Newborn Foundation | Newborn Translational Research Institute. She currently serves on two workgroups under the UN Secretary-General’s Every Woman, Every Child initiative, is a member of the Minnesota Newborn Screening Advisory Committee, and was appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services in 2016 to the federal Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children (ACHDNC). Annamarie is recognized for spearheading the U.S. effort to be the first nation to implement universal newborn heart screening. To date, more than 15 million newborns as part of implementation in all 50 states. She serves on the U.S. CCHD Screening Expert Workgroup, the HRSA technical assistance workgroup and the Minnesota Newborn Screening Committee. Annamarie has drafted more than 40 pieces of health legislation, authored more than 200 briefing reports and six published manuscripts on the importance of technology in advancing prevention, early detection and treatment of neonatal and pediatric health conditions. Under her leadership, the Newborn Foundation has been selected as one of only 24 global innovators from around the world addressing one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030. Annamarie received a 2016 Global Humanitarian Award as the World Patient Safety, Science and Technology Summit and is the recipient of the Betty Hubbard Maternal and Child Health Leadership Award. She is the mother of three children, holds a degree in Economics from Iowa State University and did her master’s work in Health Economics.
Title: Co-Founder & CEO
Company/Affiliation: Newborn Foundation + Research Institute
Industry: Non-profit, NGO (medical, healthcare)
Interest: Maternal, newborn, child health; newborn screening; non-communicable diseases, communicable diseases; scalable innovation, medical technologies, diagnostics, telemedicine, mHealth
Twitter: @asaarinen
Linkedin: Saarinen