Siddharth Nair
DPlay Lab, Kororoit Institute
Poster Presentation – Research Track
Saturday, Sept 29, 2012: 1:20 PM – 2:20 PM – LK Lower Lobby
← Back to Medicine X 2012 Proceedings
*Presenting Speaker
In the present, the change in the rate of change, aided by a ubiquitous and pervasive overlay of technology, influences and affects the numerous levels of complex and dynamic living systems that we engage, embody, explore and inhabit- all on an everyday basis. Navigating, interpreting, visualizing and making sense of this technologically-aided complexity is hence an essential act of our lives, increasingly impacting the evolution of our cognition. When it comes to making sense of the ever-changing dynamics of complex living systems such as our body, these technological tools (web- and ICT-based) act as means to a type of ‘feedback mechanism’ that helps (wellbeing and health –related) digital data loop back to us, providing accurate intermediary snapshots of our current and ongoing physical and/or physiological states, potentially capable of anticipating unexpected ‘disruptions’ or problems. This emerging ecosystem of shared information streams and the relevant network of actors (patients, doctors, technologists/innovators, users and the like) raises several interesting research questions about their increasingly widespread usage, applications, and effects- a few of which are hoped to be addressed in this research.
The four key sub-aspects or issues that are contained in this study:
- Making Meaning – How does the ubiquitous overlay of technology today affect our (individual / collective) processes of engaging with (and making sense of) the ever changing dynamics of the complex systems that we’re an inherent part of, viz. the personal and biological/physiological?
- Networked Structures of Criticality – How can a deeper understanding of the information dynamics (via real time sensing/monitoring) of these systems result in helping us anticipate and better prepare for emergent or unforeseen phenomena and health-related problems?
- Systemic + Strategic Intervention – What are the ways and means (best practices) in which we can collectively introduce shifts in these tightly coupled bio-socio-technological networked systems around us, with minimal disruptions, for increasingly-sustainable collective futures and personal wellbeing?
- Cognitive (ICT-Based) Interfaces to/for Complexity – What forms of emerging digital interfaces can help engage with our body and its dynamics (in light of the 3 points above) in increasingly effective ways?