Placing Patients at the Center of the Design Thinking Process


Thursday September 14, 2017

Stanford Medicine X is once again joining forces with Palo Alto-based firm IDEO to offer ePatients the opportunity to collaborate with designers, researchers, technologists and health-care providers to spark new ideas for improving patient care.

what you will learn from this day-long design challenge at IDEO’s Headquarters:

Participants in last year’s Stanford Medicine X | IDEO Design Challenge called the workshop “a very healing process” and praised the experience for allowing creativity to “flourish and grow.”

Start the day with a tour of IDEO’s headquarters led by IDEO founder Dennis Boyle, and learn about the inspiration behind some of the coolest inventions in Silicon Valley’s rich history of innovation.

Team up with ePatients who have real-world experience managing a chronic disease and who uses technology to help facilitate his or her own care.

Practice design thinking with the guidance of IDEO founder, Dennis Boyle and his incredible team of designers.

Learn rapid prototyping and ideation methods from IDEO to solve a patient-centered health problem as a unified team.  Each team will work through the design-thinking process to develop potential solutions.

Inspire collaboration and ignite creativity among a diversity of thinkers, both challenge participants and Medicine X audience members.

IDEO was an extraordinary experience. I met tons of new contacts, including entrepreneurs, physicians, investors. I was really impressed by this culture of support, creativity and change that Medicine X cultivates — conference attendee


I never thought that design thinking could help me to heal.  This was a healing experience because I learned that anything is possible to co-create better options people with my condition — 2016 IDEO ePatient workshop attendee.

Preliminary Schedule:

8:00 Arrive at 150 Forest Avenue, Palo Alto: light breakfast and coffee
8:30 Tour of IDEO Palo Alto studios
9:30 Welcome, Overview of the day, Introductions by all, sit in teams
10:15 Overview of Design Thinking process and team project
10:45 Homework discussion in groups, meet your e-patient and facilitator: start the project!
11:15 Understand and Observe session
12:00 Working Lunch
1:00 Downloading and Synthesis
1:30 Brainstorming and Conceptualizing
2:30 Prototyping and Testing
3:30 Prepare project presentations
4:30 Individual design teams present to overall group
5:30 Wrap-up of the day and wine & cheese reception

Fantastic education experience in the design process — past IDEO challenge participant.

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