Kornel Rostek, PhD
Kornel Rostek
About Me
Since 2015 Kornel Rostek is a Data Scientist at DreamJay, responsible for core algorithms behind Nightly application. He is a Ph.D. student and a teaching-research assistant at the Faculty of Mechatronics, Warsaw University of Technology. His research is focused on applications of methods of artificial intelligence, signal processing, data mining and quantitative reasoning in process modelling and automatic diagnosis. The topic of his thesis is “Generalized metric of fault isolability in the diagnosis of industrial processes.” Kornel Rostek is an author of two JCR publications and several conference papers regarding automatic diagnosis and its applications. In 2015 he finished a clinical polysomnography training by the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw.
Title: Data Scientist
Company/Affiliation: DreamJay