
A 2013 Google Hangout discussion with ePatient alumni discussing the Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholarship Program (Please note official Stanford Medicine X mascot @therealzoechu appears for a cameo at 0:15:35).

The Program at a Glance (FAQs)


Our 2016 ePatient Scholarship Applications are Open!

Stanford Medicine X 2016 ePatient scholars will be announced in January 2016.

The Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholar program is more than a chance to attend the 3-day conference, but an opportunity for learning and growth as an ePatient, providing both educational opportunities and project-based learning throughout 2015. Emily Bradley, a 2013 and 2014 ePatient Scholar summed it up best, “The Medicine X ePatient Scholar Program gave me an opportunity that allowed me to grow as a person and patient, both personally and professionally, in a way that has shaped my entire life.  Medicine X, the people I met, stories I heard, knowledge I gained, and the ideas that were shared changed the way I live my life; it is far more than a 3-day event.”


What is Medicine X? 
Medicine X is a non-profit, academic conference held each September on the Stanford University campus. It is a catalyst for new ideas about the future of medicine and emerging technologies. Our next Medicine X conference will be held Sept. 15-17, 2016. Our separate conference, Medicine X | ED, exploring the future of medical education will be held Sept 13-14, 2016. ePatient scholarships will be awarded for each conference.

What is the Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholarship program?
The Medicine X ePatient Scholarship program will provide up to 35 spots for ePatients to attend Medicine X at Stanford, Sept. 15-17, 2016. Full and partial scholarships are awarded based on applicants’ merit and are allocated to maximize impact with consideration given to financial need.

What is an ePatient? Am I an ePatient?

According to the website “Tom Ferguson coined the term e-patients to describe individuals who are equipped, enabled, empowered and engaged in their health and health care decisions. He envisioned health care as an equal partnership between e-patients and health professionals and systems that support them. Before Tom’s untimely death in 2006, he was writing the White Paper (PDF) in consultation with the group of advisors he dubbed the e-Patient Scholars Working Group.”

scholar (schol·ar, /’skälər/): 1. A specialist in a particular branch of study, esp. the humanities; a distinguished academic: “a Hebrew scholar”. 2. A person who is highly educated or has an aptitude for study.

ePatient scholar (e·pa·tient schol·ar, /e‘pāSHənt ’skälər/): 1. A specialist and expert who is highly educated in his or her own medical conditions and who uses information technologies (e.g., Internet tools, social networks, self-tracking tools) in managing their health, learning from and teaching others. 2. (Stanford Medicine X ePatient scholar) An educator and role model for other patients and health care stakeholders.

How can Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholarship recipients participate in the conference?

Applicants may apply to one or more tracks, and will be placed into the track that best fits their talents and goals, with applicants’ preference taken into consideration. The 35 Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholarship slots are allocated for attendees (Engagement & Producer Track), speakers (Presenter Track), or creative problem solvers in the IDEO Design Challenge (Design Track). Conference participation is limited to one track per scholarship recipient, and one applicant can receive no more than one scholarship per year.

I have already received a Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholarship in the past. Am I allowed to apply again?

Alumni of the Stanford Medicine X ePatient Program may apply for and receive scholarships in subsequent years.  To encourage growth as an ePatient, they will be placed into a new track that they did not previously participate in.

What are the expectations and responsibilities of Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholarship recipients?
Selection as a Stanford Medicine X ePatient scholarship recipient confers certain expectations and responsibilities upon recipients. Complete conference attendance is expected, with scholarship recipients arriving on time and staying throughout the duration of the conference until closing remarks on Sunday, Sept. 17, 2016. Scholarship recipients are tasked with using the knowledge and skills gained at Medicine X to advance their individual advocacy efforts. Scholarship recipients will receive a certificate of recognition for their attendance.

I’m a patient and I haven’t been to an academic conference before. Is Medicine X really an academic conference designed for everyone?
The atmosphere at Medicine X is unlike that of a traditional academic medical conference. Attendees from around the world and across the healthcare spectrum embrace patients as a nexus of innovation and inspiration to drive their work in patient care, technology development, education and research. Medicine X is founded on the belief that patients are some of the best and most underutilized experts in healthcare. Medicine X represents an opportunity to share the stories and lessons learned as patients, as people, and as partners in care.


Many of our 2012 ePatient scholarship recipients shared their experience through the engagement track and published their experiences through social media on blogs and podcasts. Below is an assorted collection of these postings.

• Christopher Snider, Just Talking Podcast, with 2012 Scholarship recipients Cherise Shockley and Kim Vlasnik. Christopher also published a blog post of his experience.

• Please review these blog posts by ePatients about Stanford Medicine X 2013.

“Medicine X is what took me from being a patient involved in her own health to becoming an advocate for others. It was so inspiring and eye-opening—it was about possibilities and problem solving. Medicine X renews the sense of hope that we can restore the caring part of healthcare.” — Sarah E. Kucharski

“I had no idea what to expect upon walking into Medicine X.  What I found was an environment that nurtured growth, sparked ingenuity and raucous debates, and propelled my advocacy efforts overnight.  I was blown away by the connections and friends I made in a setting that felt less like a conference and more like summer camp.” — Britt J. Johnson


How much is registration if I don’t receive an ePatient Scholarship ?

General registration for Medicine X begins at $1199, with discounts for academic researchers ($799) and students ($499).

Note that in the application process, applicants complete both an application to a needs-blind, merit-based selection system as well as a separate financial assistance application. Applicants are tasked with determining and demonstrating their own financial need as evidenced by employment status, income, and other personal hardships. Financial need statements will be considered for the awarding of full and partial scholarships. Financial need does not affect an applicant’s merit-based application.

How much is registration if I am selected to receive an ePatient Scholarship?

A partial scholarship reduces the registration rate for the three day conference to $299.00. Full scholarship recipients are not required to pay a registration fee.

Why would you charge patients to attend Stanford Medicine X?

Medicine X is an academic non-profit conference—not a medical industry event or trade show. Operating funds are derived exclusively from registration fees, donations and grant income. Partial scholarship recipients receive all the knowledge, opportunities, and interaction afforded to full scholarship recipients; however, the awarding of partial scholarships allows Medicine X to extend financial assistance to the greatest number of patients possible.

Will I get paid a salary or honorarium to attend Medicine X?

No. Because Medicine X is an academic conference, most speakers pay registration fees to attend and present their work at our conference.

How much in out-of-pocket expenses should I budget to attend Medicine X?

Plan to cover transportation (airfare, rental car, gas, etc.) and at least three nights’ accommodations. Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholarship recipients are expected to attend the conference in full, arriving on time and staying until the conference closes the afternoon of Sunday, Sept. 17, 2016. Reduced hotel rates are available, and rooming with another scholarship recipient is recommended to reduce costs. Breakfast and lunch are provided at the conference venue with reasonable accommodations made for dietary needs. Conference hotels are within walking distance of several restaurants and a grocery store. Additional consideration should be given to any lost wages from time taken off from work.

Are travel funds provided?

Scholarship recipients with financial need may be eligible for limited travel scholarship funds to facilitate their attendance at Medicine X. In the application process, applicants complete both an application to a needs-blind, merit-based selection system as well as a separate financial assistance application. Applicants are tasked with determining and demonstrating their own financial need as evidenced by employment status, income, and other personal hardships. Financial need statements will be considered both for the awarding of full and partial scholarships and the awarding of travel scholarships. Financial need does not affect an applicant’s merit-based application.


How can I apply for a Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholarship?

Scholarship applications will open October 15, 2015 and close on November 15, 2016. Awards will be announced in January 2016. Please sign up for the Medicine X email list to be notified when scholarship applications become available online.

I’m a student/resident/researcher: Can I apply for the Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholarship?

Unfortunately you may not apply for an ePatient scholarship. Only ePatients may apply for the ePatient Scholarship Program. Medicine X will provide discounted registration rates for academic researchers and students.

How are Stanford Medicine X ePatient scholarship recipients selected?

Successful applicants demonstrate a history of patient engagement, community outreach and advocacy. Preference is given to individuals using emerging technologies and social media such as blogs, podcasts, Twitter, Facebook. In the application process, applicants complete both an application to a needs-blind, merit-based selection system as well as a separate financial assistance application. The 2016 Medicine X ePatient Advisory Board reviews all applications, narrows the field of applicants by merit, ranks applicants, and conducts short live video based interviews of finalists. Only after this initial ranking process are financial need statements considered. The most highly-ranked applicants receive priority consideration for financial assistance. All final decisions are made by the conference director.

Selection Process and Waitlisting

Applicants will submit their completed applications no later than March 1, 2015 with no exceptions or extensions granted.  Applications will then be reviewed by members of the ePatient Advisory Board, and ranked according to the above selection criteria. Applicants will then be placed in tracks according to both their preference and the track the Board feels most suits the applicant.

Applicants will be narrowed to a field of finalists, at which time they will be notified and asked to schedule a live 10-15 minute video interview via Google Hangout or Skype, held starting in November 2015.  Scholarship offers will then be made to qualified applicants by January 2016.  Applicants will have 5 days to review and accept their scholarship offer.  If an applicant does not reply in the allotted time, their scholarship offer will be forfeited.

Those not accepted to the final Scholarship positions will be waitlisted for 2016. Waitlisted applicants may be offered a Program position at any time prior to the conference in the event that another Delegate is unable to attend, however, if a waitlisted Delegate is accepted into the Program late in the process, he or she may have limited access to travel and accommodations awards.

Is financial need considered during the Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholarship selection process?

Yes and no. Applications are first evaluated on merit alone. Once the list is reduced to the top qualifying applicants, and rankings are finalized, we will then consider financial need. Our aim is to provide sufficient support for the most highly-ranked ePatients to attend the conference under partial or full scholarships, but financial need will not influence the qualifications of an ePatient Scholarship applicant.

Stanford Medicine X ePatient Scholarships Overview

Medicine X is a catalyst for new ideas about the future of medicine and emerging technologies. Up to 35 ePatient Scholarships are available to the 2015 Medicine X conference, held Sept. 15-17, 2015 on the Stanford University campus.

Full and partial scholarships covering conference registration fees will be awarded, based on merit and with consideration given to applicants’ financial needs. Applicants also may apply for limited travel scholarship funds.

The application period opens January 22, 2015 and closes March 1, 2015. Scholarship recipients will be notified in June 2015.

Scholarship applicants may apply to any of the following tracks:

  1. Engagement & Producer Track
  2. Presenter Track
  3. Design Track

Engagement & Producer Track

Description: The purpose of the Engagement & Producer Track is to provide an opportunity for ePatients and caregivers to attend Stanford Medicine X and interact—both in-person and through social media—with conference attendees and the world-at-large. In addition to providing a patient voice to the proceedings, scholarship recipients in the Engagement and Producer Track will be responsible for sharing with others knowledge gained at Medicine X and for producing original content via social media while at the conference and after.

Selection Criteria: Successful applicants will demonstrate a history of patient engagement and community outreach and advocacy, with preference for individuals using emerging technologies such as blogs, Twitter, and social media to pursue these goals.

Presenter Track

Description: The purpose of the presenter track is to provide an opportunity for ePatients to attend and speak at the Stanford Medicine X conference. By providing a patient voice to the proceedings, scholarship recipients will help share and disseminate their knowledge to educate and inspire others.

Selection Criteria:

Applicants will be asked to submit a speaking proposal that describes their story and what they would like to speak about. Patient talks in the presenter track will be five minutes in length and follow a pecha kucha/ignite format. Applicants will demonstrate an ability or potential for public speaking, and will be selected via a live video interview with ePatient Advisory Board members. Presentation coaches will be available to presenter track scholarship recipients to improve their presentations prior to the Medicine X conference. Talks should incorporate technology and social media, with potential topics being:

  1. On ePatients: What is an ePatient? What makes you an ePatient? What do ePatients bring to medicine?
  2. On Participatory Medicine: What does participatory care mean to you? How are you fostering your own model of participatory care? How does participatory medicine play in to the future?
  3. On Problem Solving: What hurdles have you encountered in achieving medical care or coping with your diagnosis? How did you overcome these hurdles? What advice do you have for others?
  4. On Caregiving: What is unique about being a caregiver? What does it mean to you to be an empowered and engaged caregiver? How are you caring for yourself while caring for another?

Design Track

Description: The Design Track provides an opportunity for ePatients and caregivers to serve as the inspiration for and nexus of a patient-centered design project. Successful applicants will work with a designer from IDEO, an award-winning global design firm that takes a human-centered, design-based approach to solving problems. Scholarship recipients will be challenged to—in one day prior to the 3 day conference—brainstorm, innovate and create a solution to a self-identified problem using the collective knowledge and creativity of a team of fellow conference attendees. Those in the Design Track also will provide a patient voice to conference proceedings, while sharing and disseminating their knowledge to educate and inspire others.

Selection Criteria:  Successful applicants are those patients and caregivers who are passionate about collaborative design and solving health care problems. Applicants should have experience in managing a chronic disease and using technology to facilitate care. Successful applicants will articulate why their chronic medical problem needs creative problem solvers and design thinkers to improve their care and how their own skills will contribute to the overall experience.

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