The healthcare industry represents nearly a fifth of U.S. GDP and it is going through a period of dramatic change. What are the underlying currents of this change? What previously unimagined models are emerging and proving successful? Which models will find themselves closing their doors?
During this special day-long event, Medicine X will bring together patients, providers, entrepreneurs, and visionaries to show how interdisciplinary collaboration can lead to new ideas, partnerships and bridges for change.
For patients and providers, the day will allow you to explore new opportunities. You will network with leading innovators, discuss your challenges and identify opportunities to co-create and drive meaningful change. For entrepreneurs, find early adopters and partners to help advocate for your innovations to be adopted and drive positive change. Learn about emerging reimbursement models to support digital health, network with investors, customers, industry leaders, and domain experts. The goal is to generate future relationships from diverse backgrounds to think about new ways to tackle problems that get in the way of patient centered care.
Specific topics to that will be discussed include:
- Reimbursement models in telehealth and digital health
- Healthcare service innovation and opportunities
- Emerging and changing human relationships in digital healthcare system.
- Impact of digital health in global emerging markets
- Business models for vulnerable and underserved populations
- HealthKit: a digital melting pot for healthcare stakeholders
- Discover areas of highest need and opportunities in health care
- What key traits are investors looking for in healthcare startups?
- From idea to pilot: What does it take to partner with healthcare systems
- Patients engaged, empowered, and entrepreneurial
Donna Cryer
Stanford MedX ePatient Scholar, CEO and President, Global Liver Institute
Disruptive patient innovation:
from patient to visionary
Jonathan Bush
CEO and President, athenahealth
The revolution is here—disrupting and
innovating healthcare in America
Bob Wachter
Professor, UCSF
The digital doctor: hope, hype, and harm
at the dawn of medicine’s computer age
Jonathan Bush
CEO and President, athenahealth
Ezekiel J. Emanuel
University of Pennsylvania
David Shaywitz
CMO, DNAnexus
Bob Wachter
Professor, UCSF
Healthcare services and relationships:
Innovating where it matters most
Today’s healthcare environment finds patients that are increasingly disgruntled and physicians who are increasingly burned out. As entrepreneur and venture capital rush into healthcare, will the human touch be forgotten? Can the emotional and empathic element of medicine be forgotten? What must be done in the near term and far term to make healthcare more effective and compassionate?
Moderator: David Shaywitz
Surbhi Sarna
CEO and Founder, nVision Medical
Patient to impatient entrepreneur
Zen Chu
Co-Founder, Hacking Medicine, MIT
Michael McConnell
Professor, Stanford School of Medicine
Richard Milani
Vice-Chair, Cardiology, Ochsner Health System
A digital melting pot for healthcare stakeholders:
who will win the battle for patient-generated
data interoperability?
One of the largest impediments to innovation in healthcare has been getting all the stakeholders to communicate and share data. It can take a year for digital health or health IT company to set up a pilot or integrate with hospitals, insurance companies, or pharmaceutical companies. This panel will explore how HealthKit has become digital meeting point for stakeholders in medicine by having a variety of player demonstrate how they are using it. Will large scale adoption of healthkit allow for faster sales and implementation cycle for health IT and digital health solutions? If so, can Healthkit evolve into an online marketplace between entrepreneurs, large healthcare systems, and patients?
Moderator: Zen Chu
Skip Fleshman
Partner, Asset Management Ventures
Deborah Kilpatrick
CEO, Evidation Health
Mark Tomaino
Senior Industry Executive, Welsh, Carson, Anderson and Stowe
Investment opportunities in digital health and
our rapidly changing healthcare ecosystem
What does it take in today’s highly competitive market to acquire investment for your healthcare startup? What are key partnerships and elements that convey strong business modeling and opportunity? Hear from investors and from companies with investment backing words of wisdom and top strategies used in building credibility to attract investment in your company.
Moderator: Mark Tomaino
Sha Zhu,
Bridge Innovation Capital
Margaret Laws
President and CEO, Hope Labs
Melissa Buckley
California Health Care Foundation
Vineet Singal
Co-founder and CEO, CareMessage
Business model and opportunities
for the underserved and global markets
Digital health technologies help improve access to quality care but sometimes never get implemented due to regulatory barriers and bureaucratic implementation challenges. Meanwhile, emerging markets that have widely adopted mobile communication are in dire need for solutions to improve access to care. Digital Health has the potential to leapfrog traditional care infrastructure similar to how mobile communication leapfrogged wired communication infrastructure. This panel will discuss specific opportunities in these markets and provide entrepreneurs guidance on getting their technologies adopted in alternative markets. Underserved populations are often overlooked opportunities for innovation to occur. Yet, ultimately this population can often be the highest users and drivers of health care cost. What are existing business models that are used to address the needs of this population? What creative revenue models exist to drive innovation into an area of high need?
Moderator: Margaret Laws