Felix Jackson
Felix Jackson
About Me
I am a doctor and entrepreneur developing digital technology for the health and care sector. I trained as an Anaesthetist in the UK gaining my MRCP with the Royal College of Anaesthetists. Then, I left clinical practice to start working in digital health. I founded medDigital, a digital healthcare communications agency, with Paul Gardner to focus on revolutionising health and care with digital communications. In 2017, we launched medCrowd, the new compliant messenger for health and care teams to work together more effectively and give the best care. We were selected to join the incredible first cohort of the DigitalHealth.London Accelerator and won the prestigious Brand Amplifier MedTech Fit Society Silver Award. I also supported the GSTT Charity’s Further Faster initiative to help SMEs and the NHS work together better. I am now enjoying the incredible opportunity I have to be working in digital health as it transforms health and care for the better.
Title: Founder
Company/Affiliation: medDigital and medCrowd
Interest: #DigitalHealth #London #NHS #tech #Beer
Industry: Health and Care
Twitter: @felixjackson
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/flxjx/
Website: http://www.medCrowd.com
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