Gregory Makoul
Gregory Makoul
About Me
Dr. Gregory Makoul is internationally recognized for expertise in physician-patient communication and shared decision making as well as a radical common sense, person-centered approach to health care innovation. He is Founder and CEO of PatientWisdom, a digital platform that focuses on what matters to patients as people. Greg is also Executive-in-Residence at AVIA, Founding Director of the Connecticut Institute for Primary Care Innovation, and Professor of Medicine at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. He devoted six years to care transformation as Senior Vice President and Chief Innovation Officer / Chief Academic Officer at Saint Francis Care, an integrated delivery system based in Hartford, gaining real-world experience that complemented 15 years on the faculty at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. He was recently named a Learning Health System Research Pioneer by the Association of American Medical Colleges. The tools he developed for teaching and assessing communication skills – as well as his award-winning series of videos for bringing patient perspectives into health care – are used worldwide. Greg earned a BA in Biology and Psychology from Wesleyan University, PhD in Communication Studies from Northwestern University, and MS in Health Care Delivery Science from Dartmouth College.
Title: Founder and CEO
Company/Affiliation: PatientWisdom
Twitter: @g_makoul, @listen2patients