The Opportunity

A “once-in-a-lifetime” chance to participate in a small group workshop to learn the IDEO design process from IDEO designers at the IDEO world headquarters in Palo Alto, California. The workshop will follow a patient-centered design approach.

Overall Goal

The goal of the Stanford Medicine X IDEO Design Challenge is to bring all stakeholders in improving health—researchers, technologists, healthcare providers, patients, and caretakers—closer to the design process in a space where they can share perspectives and work, interact, and collaborate together. IDEO designers will facilitate the workshop in partnership with faculty from the Stanford University School of Medicine.

The goal of this process is not to generate a finished product per se; rather, it is to engage stakeholders in a design setting to solve a patient-centered health problem as a unified team, and to share their design and experience with attendees at Medicine X. It is meant to inspire collaboration and spark creativity among a diversity of thinkers, both Challenge participants and Medicine X audience members. We believe this to be at the core of what Medicine X seeks to achieve.

We are proud to collaborate with IDEO to offer this incredibly unique opportunity to our attendees.


Date of Workshop: Friday, September 28, 2012
Location: IDEO World Headquarters, 100 Forrest Avenue, Palo Alto, California
Breakfast, Lunch and Coffee Breaks Included


The Stanford Medicine X IDEO Design Challenge is a day-long workshop where attendees have the opportunity to work in small groups on patient-centered design projects with the goal of learning and implementing principles of design thinking.

Prior to registration, epatients will have the opportunity to apply for five available Design Track scholarship opportunities. We will select five epatients with experience in managing a chronic disease and who use technology to help facilitate their own care. Each scholarship winner will become the focus of one of five teams engaged in the IDEO challenge, and each representing a different problem statement based on their chronic illness and application.

Conference attendees will then have the opportunity to enroll in one of the five workshop teams of their choice on a first-come first-serve basis beginning at the start of registration. A panel of judges will select a winner from the five teams based on creativity and specified selection criteria at the end of the workshop day. The winning team will have the opportunity to present its creative process, including problem statement and solution, to the audience at Stanford Medicine X.

Sample Schedule

8:30 Arrive at 100 Forest Avenue, Palo Alto: Breakfast and Coffee
9:00 Welcome, Overview of the day, Introductions and Homework Discussion.
9:30 Tour of IDEO Palo Alto studios
10:30 Overview of Design Thinking process
11:00 Team assignments, assignment and discussion of team projects and individual team formation
11:30 Individual teams break out with IDEO facilitators.
12:00 Working lunch in teams
12:30 Understand and Observation in-context session
2:00 Downloading and Synthesis session
3:00 Brainstorming & Conceptualizing, Prototyping & Testing session
4:00 Prepare design team project presentations
5:00 Individual design teams present to overall group
6:30 Wrap-up of the day and wine & cheese reception


ePatients who wish to form the basis of the team with a problem statement must apply through the Design Track Scholarship application (please pre-register to stay informed when applications open). Those interested in forming the teams working on the designated problem statements must enroll online after registering for Stanford Medicine X. Enrollment will only be available for Medicine X conference attendees and will include 5-6 people per team, up to 30 total individuals.

How to Apply

Attendees must enroll online to reserve their spot (please pre-register to stay informed when enrollment opens). Patient problem statements will be available for attendees at the time of registration. Admission to the IDEO Design Challenge Workshop will be based on completion of a short workshop application and will continue on a rolling basis until all 30 spots are filled.

About IDEO

IDEO (pronounced “eye-dee-oh”) is an award-winning global design firm that takes a human-centered, design-based approach to helping organizations in the public and private sectors innovate and grow.

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