Livestreaming Medicine X | ED
As a tradition, Medicine X has provided public access to its events through video live-streaming. This year, we are embracing a grass roots campaign to encourage our audience of educators and students to adopt social media skills into their practice by helping them livestream the many great sessions happening this weekend during Medicine X | ED, our conference on the future of patient-centered medical education.
As an Everyone Included™ conference, Medicine X encourages our delegates to tweet and share talks with the public using the hashtag #medx. Because of its particular relevance to medical education, we are also supporting use of a secondary hashtag #meded to help reach the online medical education community.
The program begins at 8AM PST on Saturday April 28, 2018 with opening remarks from Executive Director Larry Chu, MD followed by an opening Keynote from Victor Montori, MD.
Several social media live-streaming applications can be used by delegates for sharing great talks this weekend. They include Facebook Live, Periscope and Instagram Live for video live-streaming. For those who wish to focus on audio live-streaming, services such as Mixlr and stream monster can provide convenient audio streaming services.
For those of you who can’t join us at Stanford this weekend, follow us on Twitter using the hashtag #medx for great discussions and community-based live-streaming powered by students and medical educators attending our event.