Heather Hansen
Heather Hansen
About Me
Heather Hansen has defended medical malpractice cases for 20 years. She’s seen the catastrophic impact lawsuits have on patients, providers and caregivers and she knows there’s a better way. Heather has won numerous honors for her work as an attorney, including consistently being named one of the Top 50 Female Lawyers in Pennsylvania. She’s spoken internationally to medical academies, industry leaders, risk managers and patient advocacy groups on how to build better relationships, improve outcomes and increase satisfaction in healthcare. She’s also used her communication skills on television, providing analysis for CNN, Fox News Channel, HLN, CBS, and Fox Business. She is a host at Lawnewz.com, and has written for Global Grind and Thrive Global. Heather developed H2Spark to show patients, providers and caregivers how to achieve their highest potential
Title: Attorney/Consultant
Company/Affiliation: H2Spark
Industry: Health care
Interest: Technology has become a huge part of medicine, but without humanity it will fail. I help healthcare teams keep it real
Twitter: @imheatherhansen
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/heather-hansen-84243512/
Website: http://doctors.h2spark.com