Raheel Ata, BS
Raheel Ata
About Me
Raheel Ata is an M.D. Candidate at Stanford University interested in applying data science methodologies to health data generated by smartphones, wearables, and other mobile health (mHealth) technologies to improve the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular disease. He has significant experience with medical device regulation after interning at the FDA and working on early stage development of spinal cord stimulators with GlaxoSmithKline. He also has several years of research experience with neural devices and brain computer interface technologies. Raheel holds a B.S. in Biochemistry from UT Dallas.
Title: Project Manager
Company/Affiliation: VascTrac
Industry: Medical Device
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raheel-ata/
Website: http://www.vasctrac.stanford.edu