Hector Goldin



Hector Goldin

About Me

Hector Goldin (67) is one of the leading Apple Technologists in Latin America. He is President and cofounder (in 1987 ) of Maxim Software SA, Argentina´s oldest Apple Premium Reseller. He is an Electronics Engineer graduated in 1974 from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), and has received many qualifications in Apple Software and Hardware technologies. Hector has been invited as speaker at numerous conferences and tradeshows in Argentina and Brazil, as well as the USA, speaking at the MacWorld shows in San Francisco and New York, and also at the MIT Media Lab.

Title: President

Company/Affiliation: Maxim Software SA

Industry: Apple Premium Reseller

Interest: The use of personal technology to improve health, the development of intelligent social behavior, and Classical music.

Twitter: @GoldinHector

Website: http://www.maximsoft.com.ar

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