As a tradition, Medicine X has provided public access to its events through video live-streaming. This year, we are embracing a grass roots campaign to encourage our audience of educators and [...]
There has been some recent discussion in the Medicine X community about the dates of Medicine X | Ed, which falls on Sept 23-24, 2015. At Stanford Medicine X we respect and seek to accommodate [...]
I’m so pleased to announce that 2013 Stanford Medicine X ePatient scholar, Jamia Crockett, has joined the Medicine X ePatient advisory board. Her two-year term begins immediately. [...]
Announcing Stanford Medicine X Academy – the innovation, education and patient engagement program designed for everyone The Medicine X Academy is the evolution of the patient-designed, [...]
Its official, applications for the 2014 Stanford Medicine X ePatient program are now closed. We received a record-breaking number of applications this year, a 64% increase in applications [...]
Thanks so much to Beth Axelrod for pointing out that our dates for Medicine X 2014 overlap with Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. In order to avoid a conflict with this very important holiday, [...]
If you’re excited about our new live weekly broadcast series Stanford Medicine X Live!, now you have twice as many reasons to be excited. Starting January 9, 2014, Medicine X will be live [...]